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Corporate floors and offices

A brand new corridor, 3,2km long, is being born on the east side of Sao Paulo,  with modern multi-use buildings, a complete ecosystem that is designed to attract businesses, and create job opportunities, allowing people to stay, and change the state of continuous pendular displacement (2,6million daily).  Despite having 40% of sao paulo's inhabitants, east side is short of corporate floors, but that is changing now, due to a bold, solid, visionary company, PORTE Construtora, which took on the mission of changing this scenario, and altering the history of this vibrant side of the city.   

The time to become an investor of PLATINUM AXIS is  right now  . The solidity of this anti-cyclic investment , in the form of dividends, real state rentals , and property appreciation is a must to have on a balanced investment chart.

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